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Dipole Antennas - the Effect of Height Above Ground
I frequently hear the question: how high should my dipole be? Or alternatively, will my dipole work well at this or that height? Unfortunately, these questions can not be answered without first stating what you want the dipole to actually DO, i.e. how you plan to operate with it. Some possible goals for a dipole might be:
1. DX work.
2. Local work: nets and rag chewing.
3. Directionality: gain in one direction, or nulls in some other direction
4. Omni-directionality.
5. Feed point impedance of 50 ohms.
As you may surmise, many of these potential goals are mutually exclusive, or at least tradeoffs.
However, once you define what you want to do with your dipole, then you can look at the radiation patterns to see if it will accomplish those goals.
I make the assumption that anyone reading this understands that DX work requires a low angle of radiation, with gain in the favored direction being desirable. Nets and rag chewing require a much higher angle of radiation and an omni-directional pattern. A null aimed in some direction may be desirable in various situations. Something close to 50 ohms impedance will aide matching and power transfer to/from coax cable.
There are many other potential goals for a dipole, but the ones I have listed are those that are most dependent on it's height above ground. Thus this discussion will not touch upon the issues of multi - banded operation, tuned open wire feeders, and the like. So, lets limit the issue at hand to: how the character of a dipole varies with its height above ground.
To investigate this problem, I have modeled a hypothetical wire dipole using the EZNEC program (from W7EL). This model is well within the verified capability of EZNEC.
For those interested in the modeling details, this dipole, named D40M, has the following specifications:
Material: #12 copper wire.
Length: 69.057 feet.
Ground Type: good (.005,13) NEC Sommerfield.
Frequency: 7.00 MHz nominal, but the comparative patterns were computed by adjusting the frequency slightly for resonance at each height.
The dipole was modeled at various heights from .05 wavelengths (7 feet) to 4 wavelengths (560 feet) above good ground. One may argue that 560 feet is ridiculous for a 40 meter dipole, but keep in mind that the data can be scaled down to a 10 meter dipole with similar results.
The table below tabulates the results. In the first two columns, the antenna's height above ground is given in wavelengths and in feet. The next two columns show the maximum gain in the favored direction (i.e. broadside to the wire), followed by the launch angle and the -3 dB vertical beam width. The next two columns once again present the gain and launch angle / beam width, but for the axial direction (off the ends of the wire). Finally, the last 2 columns list the complex impedance at the feed point, and the actual resonance frequency at that specific height.
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